
Cleanse Your Space

Smudging vs. Smoke Cleansing - Blog post on the differences and similarities between smudging and smoke cleansing.

Ethical Herbalists

Moon House Northwest - Herbalist that sells teas, tinctures, and oils. A portion of sales goes to providing low or no cost herbal medicine to BIPOC and QT communities.
Venus in Aquarius Apothica - Herbalist that sells an assortment of sprays, salts, and oils to cleanse your space and yourself. Uses locally and ethically sourced ingredients.

Find a Therapist

Psychology Today - Search for a therapist by specialty, insurance, types of therapy, and more.
Good Therapy - Search for a therapist by specialty, language, accessibility, types of service, types of therapy, and more.
Find a Therapist - Search for a therapist by specialty, experience, insurance, and client age.

Westernized Reiki & Decolonization

Decolonizing Energy Healing - Blog post on decolonization in energy healing and other spiritual practices (from a BIPOC’s point of view).
Wtf is Decolonization? - Blog post that provides an introduction to decolonization from a BIPOC’s point of view.
Inciting a Riot: Decolonizing Reiki - Podcast interview about the westernization of reiki, and the effects colonialism and capitalism have had on the practice.

Have a resource that should be on this page?

Tell us! We are always looking for ethical, inclusive, and intersectional resources to share here!